What is your spirit animal? T-Rex!
A unicorn – because I’m extra
If you could take a time machine and go back in time, what era would you like to be born in?
1950! I’ve always thought about how cool it would be to be friends with my grandma(: I take after her in so many ways and we share the same sense of style, hobbies, passion, etc. so I have always wondered what it would have been like to have lived life together as friends!
What would your perfect vacation be?
Anywhere on a beach where I can relax, tan, and sip on a couple of fruity drinks!
If you were to create a slogan for your life, what would it be?
“If there is a will, there’s a way”
What is your favorite part of weddings and/or events?
I would love to say the whole wedding is my favorite part … but if I had to choose a single moment, I would say the “hand off”. The “hand off” is when the bride is handed off to her new partner for life by her parents. This part of the wedding always makes me tear up, and I think this is such a beautiful and intimate moment that I am lucky to witness!
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