What is your spirit animal? T-Rex!
No one messes with a T-Rex.
If you could take a time machine and go back in time, what era would you like to be born in?
Jurassic Period… because I use to be obsessed with dinosaurs. When I was little I wanted to be a paleontologists when i grew up. While most girls collected barbies, I collected dinosaur figurines and books. Yes, I love Jurassic park movies (Favorite is still the ORIGINAL, Jurassic Park).
What would your perfect vacation be?
Somewhere in Southeast Asia, because I love the cultures, the people, and especially the FOOD! I’ve travelled around Thailand and Indonesia, I can’t seem to get enough! Every city and town is so colorful and amazing.
If you were to create a slogan for your life, what would it be?
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. Yup! Harry Potter fan here and proud of it!
What is your favorite part of weddings and/or events?
My favorite part is standing at the end of the aisle and seeing the look on the happy couple’s face when they get announced as husband and wife. It usually mean they are ready to PARTY! How can you not love such a moment.
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